Shoreline Management Plan
As the lead authority New Forest District Council have prepared the final North Solent SMP and supporting appendices on behalf of and in conjunction with the members of the North Solent SMP Client Steering Group. This was the only SMP nationally to be produced in-house by a local authority.
North Solent Shoreline Management Plan.
North Solent SMP Summary Booklet Dec 2010 (PDF, 2 MB) [2Mb](Opens in a new window) can be viewed and downloaded (2.3Mb).
North Solent SMP IROPI decision confirmation (PDF, 95 KB) [95kb](Opens in a new window) (0.1Mb) and the EA final approval 070511 (PDF, 111 KB) [111kb](Opens in a new window) are now available (0.1Mb).
The Post Adoption Statement (PDF, 18 KB) [18kb](Opens in a new window) (0.02Mb), the Statement to Defra on the role of the Southern Regional Habitat Creation Programme and the North Solent SMP's compliance with the Habitat Regulations (PDF, 2 MB) [141kb](Opens in a new window) (0.1Mb) and the SEA Statement of Environmental Particulars (PDF, 206 KB) [206kb](Opens in a new window) (0.2Mb) are also now available.
The North Solent Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is the first revision to the Western Solent and Southampton Water SMP and the East Solent and Harbours SMP. The coastline covered by the Plan extends between Selsey Bill, in the east, and Hurst Spit, in the west, and includes Portsmouth, Langstone and Chichester Harbours.
North Solent SMP Study Area

SMPs aim to balance the management of coastal flooding and erosion risks, with natural processes, and the consequences of climate change. Due to the current legislative and funding arrangements, climate change and environmental considerations, it may not be possible to protect, or continue to defend land or property from flooding or erosion.
The North Solent SMP takes account of natural coastal processes, existing defences, and the natural and built environments and is compatible with adjacent coastal areas.
Many thanks for all your responses to the draft North Solent Shoreline Management Plan public consultation.
For further information regarding the other SMPs that have been undertaken around England and Wales please visit
Downloadable documents will usually be in PDF format, and as such you will need Adobe Acrobat to view them, which can be freely obtained by visiting .
If you encounter any problems with these webpages please contact
Offsite links
- Chichester District Council(Opens in a new window)
- Chichester Harbour Conservancy(Opens in a new window)
- Defra(Opens in a new window)
- Eastleigh Borough Council(Opens in a new window)
- Environment Agency(Opens in a new window)
- Hampshire County Council(Opens in a new window)
- Natural England(Opens in a new window)
- New Forest District Council(Opens in a new window)
- New Forest National Park Authority(Opens in a new window)
- Southampton City Council(Opens in a new window)
- Test Valley Borough Council(Opens in a new window)
- West Sussex County Council(Opens in a new window)
- Winchester City Council(Opens in a new window)
- Southern Coastal Group(Opens in a new window)
- SCOPAC(Opens in a new window)
- Solent Forum(Opens in a new window)
- Marine Consents Guide (Solent Forum)(Opens in a new window)
- New Forest Rapid Coastal Zone Archaeological Assessment(Opens in a new window)
- East Solent Coastal Partnership(Opens in a new window)
- Accessibility statement
Final North Solent SMP
- Final North Solent SMP and Supporting Appendices
- Final North Solent SMP Document and Policy Statements
- Appendix C Baseline Process Understanding
- North Solent SMP Final Policies
- Public exhibition and consultation details
- Stakeholder engagement and consultation report
- Public consultation
- North Solent SMP Summary Booklet December 2010
- Frequently asked questions
Summary Descriptions of the Supporting SMP appendices
- Structure of SMP
- Appendix A - SMP Development
- Appendix B - Stakeholder Involvement
- Appendix C - Baseline Process Understanding
- Appendix D - Thematic Review
- Appendix E - Issues and Objectives Evaluation
- Appendix F - Initial Policy Appraisal and Scenario Development
- Appendix G - Scenario Testing
- Appendix H - Economic Appraisal and Sensitivity Testing
- Appendix I - Metadatabase and Bibliography Database
- Appendix J - Appropriate Assessment
- Appendix K - Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Appendix L - Water Framework Directive Assessment
Environmental Assessments
- Appropriate Assessment - explanations
- Flow Charts of Assessment Process
- Stages of Appropriate Assessment
- Scope of the Appropriate Assessment
- Requirement for Appropriate Assessment
- Purpose of a Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Requirement of a Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Appropriate Assessment Methodology for North Solent SMP
Project Management
- Adoption of final SMP
- Draft SMP
- Appendix A - SMP Development
- Appendix B - Stakeholder Involvement
- Appendix C - Baseline Process Understanding
- Appendix D - Thematic Review
- Appendix E - Issues and Objectives Evaluation
- Independent Environmental Advice and Summary Information
- Appendix F - Initial Policy Appraisal and Scenario Development
- Appendix G - Scenario Testing
- Appendix H - Economic Appraisal
- Appendix L Water Framework Directive Assessment
- Coastal Erosion Risk Maps FAQs
- EA statement on private defences for North Solent SMP July09
- Elected Members Group Meeting 09/07/09
- Landowner meetings