Western Solent - Hurst Spit to Calshot Spit

The areas covered by International, European and National nature conservation designations, and extent of the Indicative Flood Zone for the different Management Units are illustrated in the downloadable pdf files.

LYM14 Calshot Spit - Calshot Spit is a stabilised shingle bank hosting a multitude of interests including nature conservation, historical and recreational. Calshot Activities Centre is one of the UK's leading outdoor recreational centres. Calshot Castle, like Hurst Castle, was built for maritime defence, but the spit has a larger role in protecting the saltmarsh and mudflats in its lee from wave activity. Frontage and defences owned by Hampshire County Council.

LYM13 Hillhead to Calshot Spit - Calshot Spit stems from the north end of this unit with a sand/shingle beach that widens as it progresses eastwards. The area sustains much nature conservation interest for its bird population and backs onto reclaimed land. Existing defences were constructed to not only preserve the spit but to low-lying lands within Southampton Water, where high-value development exists. Existing defences are critical to the protection of power station and oil refinery facilities in the lee of the spit.

LYM12 South of Bourne Gap to Hill Head (Calshot) - Low-lying cliffs front this unit, backed generally by undeveloped or agricultural land. Scattered properties at Eaglehurst and Hillhead form the only significant development. Eroding cliffs pose a threat to these areas. Privately owned frontage and defences.

LYM11 East of Stone Point to South of Bourne Gap - This unit is mostly low lying agricultural land of international nature conservation value. Privately owned frontage and defences.

LYM10 Lepe to East of Stone Point - Lepe Country Park is the most significant feature in this unit. The flood risk extends a considerable distance inland affecting much of the National Nature Reserve. Maintenance of the existing defence line will protect the public facilities and road that serve Lepe Country Park. Frontage and defences owned by Hampshire County Council and private individuals.

LYM9 Inchmery to Lepe - Inchmery marks the beginning of a low cliff frontage which is partially undeveloped along with historic Lepe House, the Watch House and the Coastguard Cottages. Privately owned frontage and limited extent of defences.

LYM8 Beaulieu River - Undeveloped and mostly agricultural, the hinterland along the banks of the Beaulieu River fall within an extensive flood risk area. The entire frontage is of international nature conservation value while archaeological remains, some dating from the Iron Age, exist inland. Privately owned frontage and limited extent of defences.

LYM7 Warren Farm Spit - Warren Farm Spit and Gull Island together shelter the Beaulieu River from severe wave activity. The saltmarsh that fronts this management unit is of international nature conservation value, and is part of the North Solent National Nature Reserve. These factors make preservation of the spit and island important. Privately owned frontage and limited extent of defences.

LYM6 Pitts Deep to Warren Beach Cottage - This frontage consists of a sand and shingle beach of international nature conservation value. There are developments around Thorns Beach, with the whole unit low lying. Privately owned frontage and defences.

LYM5 Elmers Court Country Club to Pitts Deep - This low lying coastline is fronted by international important but eroding saltmarsh, with little hinterland development. Pitts Deep has historical significance as a former saltern site. Privately owned frontage and limited extent of defences.

LYM4 Lymington River - On the west bank, Lymington town has developed to the river edge, while the east bank consists of the Wightlink ferry terminal and some housing and industry. The river itself has significant areas of saltmarsh. Developments on both banks of the river require flood protection.

LYM3 Saltgrass Lane to Lymington Yacht Haven - Keyhaven is the important residential development, in this largely undeveloped unit. It is low-lying and dependent on Hurst Spit and the concrete sea defences to provide protection from coastal flooding. The effectiveness of the flood defences is linked to the existence and future management of the fronting saltmarshes.

LYM2 Hurst Spit North Point to Saltgrass Lane - The shingle bank gives way to saltmarshes on this north facing section of Hurst Spit. The spit provides flood protection to Keyhaven, Milford-on-Sea and the coast further to the east.

LYM1 Hurst Castle to Hurst Spit North Point - The east facing recurve of Hurst Spit is represented here. Historic Hurst Castle remains the main feature. The spit falls within the New Forest National Park. The natural development of the spit should be allowed to continue.

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