Final North Solent SMP and Supporting Appendices

December 2010

New Forest District Council have prepared the final North Solent SMP and supporting appendices on behalf of and in conjunction with the members of the North Solent SMP Client Steering Group. The final North Solent SMP can be downloaded from here in manageable sections.  It will also be available to view at various council offices throughout the region.


Final SMP (all documents open in new window)

File Size
Final North Solent SMPSummary of the process of plan development, the technical, economic and environmental sustainability of the plan, and the implications of proposed policy options, Policy statements for each Policy Unit and Action Plan

The supporting documents that provide the baseline data, assessments and appraisals throughout the SMP development process are listed below.

Appendix A SMP Development [159kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 159 KB)0.1Mb
Appendix BStakeholder Engagement and Consultation Report0.8Mb
Appendix C

Baseline Process Understanding, including Coastal Processes Report, Defence Assessment, No Active Intervention (NAI) and With Present Management (WPM) assessments, Coastal Flood and Erosion Risk Mapping and analysis

Appendix D Appendix D Theme Review including Annex maps [26Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 26 MB)26.8Mb
  Appendix D Theme Review excluding Annex maps [455kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 455 KB)0.5Mb
D3 Theme Maps International Nature Conservation Designations [9Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 9 MB)10.1Mb
  National Nature Conservation Designations [5Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 5 MB)5.3Mb
  Local Nature Conservation Designations [3Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 3 MB)3.5Mb
  Landscape Designations [4Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 4 MB)5.1Mb
  Statutory Designated Heritage Features [6Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 6 MB)6.1Mb
  Local & Planning Designated Heritage Features [3Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 3 MB)3.8Mb
  Non-Designated Heritage Features [4Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 4 MB)4.7Mb
Appendix E Issues and Objective Evaluation [2Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 2 MB)2.6Mb
Appendix F Initial Policy Appraisal and Scenario Development [1Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 1 MB)1.2Mb
Appendix G Policy Scenario Testing [2Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 2 MB)3.1Mb
Appendix H Economic Appraisal and Sensitivity Testing [1Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 1 MB)1.2Mb
Appendix I Metadatabase, GIS and Bibliography Database [163kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 163 KB)0.1Mb
Appendix J Appropriate Assessment [5Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 5 MB)5.9Mb
Appendix K Strategic Environmental Assessment(Opens in a new window)4.3Mb

 Strategic Environmental Assessment(Opens in a new window) (PDF, 591 KB)


The requirement for the SEA Addendum follows review of the SMP and appendices by the national SMP Quality Review Group (QRG). QRG comments on the draft SMP required revisions to some sections of the SEA Environmental Report (ER). The Addendum provides the additional information and analysis requested by the QRP. It is important to note that this SEA Addendum has been based on the draft SMP prior to public consultation. The SEA regulations require that SEA ERs are consulted on widely to provide transparency of assessment and maximize SEA effectiveness. The original SEA ER was subject to a three-month public consultation alongside substantive SMP2 documentation. This SEA ER Addendum was subject to consultation for a period of three weeks targeted at the North Solent Environmental sub-group, statutory consultees and those stakeholders that provided comments on the original SEA ER.

  SEA Statement of Environmental Particulars [206kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 206 KB)0.2Mb
Appendix L Water Framework Directive Assessment [2Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 2 MB)2.9Mb
Other Supporting Documents North Solent SMP Wader and Wildfowl High Water and Terrestrial Habitat Use Workshop Report [785kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 785 KB)0.8Mb
  North Solent SMP Habitat Assessment Summary (Jon Cox Associates) [144kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 144 KB)0.2Mb
  SMP Guidance Note for landowners [41kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 41 KB)0.04Mb
  North Solent SMP - EA Statement regarding Private Defences [26kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 26 KB)0.02Mb
  North Solent SMP Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping - FAQs [28kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 28 KB)0.03Mb
  Habitat Creation Programme Summary for North Solent SMP [71kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 71 KB)0.07Mb
  Information Note for landowners, planners and developers on privately owned coastal defences and coastal planning issues [117kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 117 KB)0.2Mb
  North Solent SMP Summary Booklet Dec 2010 [2Mb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 2 MB)2.3Mb
  North Solent SMP Appendix 20 [108kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 108 KB)0.1Mb
  North Solent SMP RHCP compliance with Habitats Regulations [141kb](Opens in a new window) (PDF, 141 KB)0.1Mb

Consultation Report

A Quality Review Group (QRG) was established to undertake a review of all Shoreline Management Plans, during their development, against certain criteria. All queries raised from the QRG and Client steering Group were recorded in spreadsheets. Some queries and responses led to changes to the Shoreline Management Plan itself.

Glossary of Terms

Client Steering Group Contact Details

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