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Appendix J - Appropriate Assessment

The findings of the Appropriate Assessment will determine whether the North Solent SMP will or will not have an adverse effect on the integrity of any European nature conservation designated site.

It will quantify any significant effects on each European nature conservation designated site and will include details of any avoidance and mitigation measures to be incorporated within the SMP to remove or reduce such effects.

A draft Appropriate Assessment will be carried out on the proposed policies in the draft SMP that will be put forward for public consultation. The draft Appropriate Assessment will be reviewed after public consultation to assess the revised policy options in the Final SMP.

If the Appropriate Assessment concludes that the SMP will lead to an adverse effect on the integrity of any European nature conservation designated site and there are no alternative solutions or preventative measures, but the SMP is permitted for imperative reasons of overriding public interest, then habitat compensatory measures must be secured to ensure that the overall coherence of the Natura 2000 network is protected.

This appendix will record any compensation habitat required to pass on to the EA Regional Habitat Creation Programme (RHCP) for delivery.

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