Appendix G - Scenario Testing

Policy assessments and appraisal of objective achievements towards definition of preferred management policies and options.

Policy scenarios are then taken forward and appraised and the results of this appraisal given in This Appendix outlines the key steps undertaken in the development and definition of policies. Policy scenarios, outlined in Appendix F Initial Policy Appraisal and Scenario Development have been taken forward and appraised through the two main stages in the Appendix G Policy Scenario Testing process.

The assessment of shoreline interactions and response, and the implications for defence requirements are presented in Appendix G1.

The assessment of achievement of objectives are presented in a series of tables in Appendix G2. This assessment appraised all policy options identified in Appendix F against agreed objectives to produce preferred options for each policy unit and epoch. Scores were allocated to each policy /epoch based on whether objectives were partially, fully or not met, and these scores were used to inform the proposed objective-led policies for each policy unit

Appendix G3 presents the final objective-led policies that were taken forward into the economic appraisal (Appendix H).

Appendix G4 presents the SMP policies for public consultation. As a result of the economic appraisal and revised advice some of the policies were changed. This appendix includes a summary table detailing the policies identified through the objective-led process, the economic viability and the justifications for the policies to be proposed for consultation.

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