Appendix D - Thematic Review
Identification and evaluation of significant environmental features (human, natural, historical and landscape) to be accommodated by the SMP.
A central element of the identification and assessment of objectives is the Theme Review, which forms part of the Assessments to Support Policy Development in the SMP review process. It identifies key features along the coast, evaluates their importance and significance to stakeholders, and how these need to be accommodated by the SMP. The review includes information and mapped spatial data on the following themes as outlined in Defra guidance:
- Nature Environment
International, European, National and Local Nature Conservation Designations
Biodiversity Action Plans
Earth Heritage, etc. - Landscape
National, County and Local Character Areas
Designated Landscapes and Visual features - Historic Environment
Listed Buildings
Scheduled Ancient Monuments
Conservation Areas
Sites of Archaeological Interest and Potential
Protected Wreck Sites
Submerged Landscapes, etc. - Current and future land use and planning
The information for the review has been taken from several sources including the first round of SMPs, Coastal Defence Strategies and data provided by members of the Client Steering Group and Stakeholders.
Information from the Theme Review will be used as a basis for developing policy options and assessing the implications and suitability of these options.